Superior Hydration is something all athletes need consistently…
Because of the high performance in their chosen field of sports, they are continuously losing water, when drinking regular tap or bottled water that is still containing so much more harm then good because of the chemicals and bacteria, water sits in your stomach and is not absorbed at a faster rate, nor is more then half of what you are drinking absorbed.
Electrolyzed Reduced Water passes through the stomach and does not leave you feeling bloated or heavy. It goes directly to the small intestine and is absorbed into the body. This allows your body to hydrate faster and helps prevent oxidative stress on our cells.
Below are medical articles on Electrolyzed Reduced Water (ERW) - also known as Ionized Water, Molecular Hydrogen water - and how it hydrates us faster and effectively the overall benefits for our body and anti-aging properties
Medical Grade Ionized Water has changed the entire game for athletes making a comeback, and/or maintaining their regime for their peak performance in their field.
100’s of athletes have a device in their home and have written books on their recovery time and over all health during the time they have been drinking Electrolyzed Reduced Water (ERW).
But what are the Effects of ERW?
Increased muscular movement
Performance and flexibility
Hasten recovery time
Lessen micro scar tissue
Better Removal of Lactic and Pyruvic acid
And More!
Why is removing these acids important? The presence of Lactic and Pyruvic acid creates a burning sensation in the muscle, muscle fatigue and muscle weakness. This prevents further exertion of the muscle until recovery takes place.
The symptoms may include a burning feeling in your muscles, cramps, nausea, weakness, and feeling exhausted.
The more water that you have available in the tissues, the easier it is for these acids to be removed from the muscle tissue. This can hasten recovery time and lessen micro scar tissue and weakness from the metabolic acids. When this water is medical grade (not a knock-off brand of ionizer), the ionized water will reduce acidic residue even further and faster, with less possibility of injury. The more acid build up you have = the more cramps and longer recovery. Drinking Medical Grade Water can improve this, superior hydration and less acidic build up.
Had one too many concussions? Watch this.
Tom Brady doesn't drink Gatorade on the sideline, he drinks this instead!
When most NFL players need to rehydrate during a game, they usually just grab a cup of water or a cup of Gatorade and guzzle it down. However, that's not what Tom Brady does because Tom Brady isn't going to pollute his body with an overload of acidic sugar that will eventually make his body crash (which are most sports drinks).
SHAN STRATTON - Professional Sports Nutritionist
Shan has a passion for hydration and wants to bring great health through alkaline living to everyone by teaching them about the principles of alkaline living. He states that drinking Medical Grade Ionized Water is the missing link to overall health and performance for athletes after promoting and counseling the use of high-quality supplements, enzymes, and probiotics to the athletic community for over 23 years.
As a nutritionist for over 20+ years, Shan mainly focused on how to improve the performance of athletes or an individual’s body by changing the foods, nutrients, supplements and enzyme-based foods. In the last 7 years, since being introduced to Medical Grade Ionized Water, he has been able to take athletes to the next level of they look for such as performance and recovery. “The single easiest thing for people to do to improve their quality of life is to change their water.” He says we all know that the body is made up of mostly 70% water so we really need to take a good look at what kind of water we are drinking.
Not if the water is just clean or not clean but…Is it alkalizing? Is it anti-oxidizing? Is it absorbable?” The lack of information regarding the water we consuming is all the more reason why he loves being involved with sharing Medical Grade Ionized Water and its principles. “The easiest way that anybody can take the first step, more so than diet, more so than anything else, is to change the largest component of the body to a good form of alkalizing antioxidant rich water. Enzymes are important to our body, not just your digestive systems, but also reproductive, cognitive and other systems of the human body, and are hindered by an imbalance of pH and in many cases are even killed or denatured.
So, if you understand how important probiotics and enzymes are to the functionality of your body, you really need to make sure they are stabilized and have good balance to function in the way that they should. There’s no better way than doing that than by changing the largest component of the body – water, to a good high alkaline water such as Medical Grade Ionized Water.
“It’s the best way to do it.”